Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Heavenly Angels, Earthly Connections

By Zoe Mendez, Guest Writer for Woman to Woman Blog Talk

Whenever I recall certain events in my life I, like everyone, else cannot help but to wonder, Do we have Angels walking among us? Are Angels really real? But the more conscious and grounded I become spiritually, I have no doubt in my mind that they are very real. There were too many events and encounters that occurred for me not to embrace this knowing. I believe that angels are assigned to everyone. I’m not speaking of the imaginable beings that are supposedly flying around, invisible somewhere out there, in the atmosphere.

We often take the people who we connect or cross paths with casually or for granted. I’m referring to those rare, sometimes interesting and mind blowing encounters that we had with total strangers, which as a result helped us through a difficult situation. You may have had an encounter where a direct association or interaction with someone, whether stranger or casual acquaintance, changed the course of our life.

The next time your path connects with a stranger or an acquaintance, remember to be kind, warm or at least appear to be friendly. Because you never know when you will be in dying need of help or a favour and that very person you were flippant with may hold the key to your break through.

Every time there was a major change occurring in my life, I can connect it directly or indirectly to someone that I have never met before or met casually, on a series of different occasions. Generally we often don't think much of the people we meet in passing.

Let me share briefly two of my encounters. A few times on my overseas travels I passed through in-transit and the Immigration Officer who processed me was rather friendly. He gave the usual chats some men would give on casual encounters. My natural reaction to such is always to be as pleasant as possible and smile. He was never in anyway disrespectful; his demeanour over all was pleasant. I always got a very good energy from him which, at the time, I never gave much thought as I had no plans to visit this particular country, mainly because I did not know anyone there.

Over a period of maybe 2-3 years, on different occasions, I would somehow always meet this same Immigration officer as I passed through the airport. I even remembered him asking me when I would visit his country. He told me how much I was missing. I jokingly just said, “One day I will.” Somewhere along the way I met and became romantically involved with someone, and I eventually starting visiting the Officer’s country. Our relationship developed into a comfortable one so I decided to further my studies as my companion, though he lived and worked in my country of birth, had his own home in his country. So I began the tedious process of trying to get my documents in order. I made the appointment to apply for my Student's Permit. On the day of the interview, I arrived at the Immigration Head Office, nervous as hell. Guess who was the interviewing office? The same smiling, friendly Immigration officer who processed my documents on a few of my in-transit stops. He was extremely helpful, which made the process very pleasant for me. He went above and beyond his call of duty to point me in the right direction, he ensure I had everything I was required to have.

To date I don't recall all the details of how we eventually became friends; it seemed as though we were always running into each other. Fifteen years later our friendship has grown. I met his family and a large circle of his friends, both males and females. Today, he considers me a part of his family. Oh, and I need to add there was no romantic connection between us, just in case you might be wondering, hmmmm! It is possible to have and build friendships with the opposite sex that is strictly platonic.

I had an opportunity on many occasions to observe this angel in action. He was selfless and is a blessing to many, expecting nothing in return.

On another occasion during my studies in that same country, I met a woman who helped in a big way to shape and change the direction of my life. At the time, I was pursuing a different career path, and was in pursuit of developing my hobby. Because of her, I believe I am doing exactly what I was born to do. My work is my passion, my hobby, so a day at work, no matter how demanding the project or circumstances is, never feels like work. This woman was able to instantly connect with my natural talent. She was amazingly generous in so many ways. There were way too many instances when I felt I was in direct contact with the Creator Himself. She was unbelievably unselfish, giving and caring. She was the mother of two beautiful girls, and I was her third—that's the way she treated me. With her, I always felt like I was at a home away from home.

I had many unforgettable moments with this woman. She invited me to work on a charity event which ran for about three weekends. We worked four nights per week. A few weeks after the show, she gave me an envelope followed by an explanation saying that the show made some money, and the organisers paid her. She was giving it all to me. She told me she was not taking any for herself. I was dumbfounded.

My relationship did not work out and everything else seemed to be changing around me. Without any doing on my part, my life was changing the direction, in a good way. I was staying with a friend I met on the way. It was not the most comfortable situation. My angel (this friend) somehow, without knowing any details about my situation, knew I was not comfortable. One day she insisted and offered me a room at her family house, (She lived elsewhere, but used the house as her place of business.) which I eventually took because of its prime location, rent free. I was in awe. I lived there for three pleasant years.

She has since passed on, to date, sixteen years later I can still hear her guiding me along, almost whispering in my ear, which makes me feel like she is always with me whenever I am working.

Interestingly though, and thinking back, the references I got from others did not paint a very pleasant image of this phenomenal woman. The impression I was given about her was that she was fierce. Had I listened to the negatives, I would have never made the phone call, and who knows, my life may have never been as fulfilling.

Along the way I discovered this motivational nugget by Les Brown. He said, "If you develop what you do well and become a master of yourself; if you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that would amaze you."

This is my personal testimony. My meeting with two angels in the same place guided me to pursue a career, which at the time I had no idea existed, but it found me. I married, pursued and set my goals to being the best that I can be. As a result, my gift took me to so many amazing places around the world.

The question that changed the course of my life was, "Do you know you have a natural flare for this?" I would never forget the kindness and humility that was exchanged in the process.

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