
What is life without big or little doses of inspiration from time to time? We all need to be inspired at some point. Look out for the articles.

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Free Words of Wisdom (by Lady D

"Life is a circle," it says, but if we were to suffer the same way for the wrongs we commit against others, there would be hell to pay for many of us. Thank God for the ability to FORGIVE and be FORGIVEN. Forgiveness plays a great role in our day-to -day lives, and even though we may want to see each other suffer for wrongs committed forgiveness gives us the power to say, "I forgive you and I do not wish you the same fate." And then, there is a great spiritual liberation for both the FORGIVER and the FORGIVEN.
Not eveyone who says "I love honesty, be honest, I can handle it" really knows how to handle the truth.

There is an awesome liberation in not being afraid to let others know that we are not perfect and that we have problems and we fail and we cry and fall down just like everybody else.
We need to inspire and motivate ourselves each day...we have to keep renewing our energy so we can go forth and live that purpose driven life.
Quit worrying about what you don't have. Every moment of your life is already a GIFT
Sometimes we beat up on ourselves too much. We think we have not achieved enough, when in fact we have done the best we could with what we have. Some things are within our power to do, others are not. If you know in your heart you did your best, then congratulate yourself. You're a winner.
There are friends who will laugh and talk with you about getting the job done; then there are friends who will help you get the job done. Big difference.
You can almost always tell when a woman is doing a man's job; She does it aggressively.

There are different kinds of success, and are measured by different things by different people

Celebrate your NOW! Tomorrow is promised to no one. Live, laugh, love, dance, forgive.

Whomever said "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" surely don't know what heartbreak is and, obviously, never have loved before.

What's the point of your blessings if you do not put them to good use.
What makes a person feels successful that matters to him and not how or by what others view success.
Too often we feel like throwing in the towel. If only we would hang in there just a little bit longer we will taste the fruits of our labor.

Watch out for the predators! They are everywhere!

You're truly in love when you're no longer a MASTER of your own heart. It never occurs to some of us that the grass appears greener on the other side because we are looking at it from a distance.

You will have problems in your relationship or marriage, but the one thing that will keep it together that no amount of material things can not is the mutual desire to make it work.

It is a mysterious phenomenon that the 'good' girl gets the 'bad' guy, and the 'good' guy gets the 'bad' girl.

A friend of mine, after being divorced for fifteen years, and after spending the said fifteen years looking for "Mrs. Right" is still single. So he bought a dog.

She who finds a good man finds a good thing. Come on, if you have a good guy in your life, give him the credit he deserves, 'cause you know there are "a few good men, and "good men are hard to find". So if you have one, hold on to him like white on rice. Love the man who loves you. What else do you want?

Your blessings will make others restless. They will ask, "How did that happen?"

Every time someone tries to block your blessings, God gets in the show off mode and gives you double for your trouble!

Our mind is the training ground and the launching pad for whatever manifest in our lives.

As a child, they used to sing, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the is but a dream." Yes, life ain't no dream. It's our biggest reality.

We have what takes to achieve our greatest goals. It starts with the will, and the belief in self.

If you have to change who you are to suit each person you encounter, then you have some major issues to address. First, you will inevitably become a people pleaser, and "NO" will be a foreign word to you; Second, you haven't yet grown into your true identity, so you find you're constantly changing yourself to adapt. When you know who you are, anyone who comes into contact with you will either have to 'like' you or leave 'you'.

If in doubt, introspection may give you clarity; positivity may bring you assurance.

L-O-V-E is the most indescribable, incomprehensible, too often complicated, most distracting, mind-boggling, heart-stealing, toe-curling, breathtaking, endlessly immortal, most amazingly coverall four-letter word there is and ever will be!

No, you will not be made perfect, but God will perfect you in His own perfection, and will love you, heal you, deliver you from the jaws of evil. Your days will be blessed beyond your greatest imagination because His favor will continuously be on you.

Nothing upsets your naysayers more than when they expect you to fall, you actually hit the ground running and immediately bounce back!

It might be a great accomplishment for women if they are able to defy nature and allow themselves to be dominated by LOGIC.
You know if we spend less time focusing on other's flaws, we might notice that, well, we're not quite as spotless, flawless, impeccable as we like to think of ourselves, like maybe we have two wrong-side foot.

Sometimes the more we fight against our flaws, the more we struggle with them. Ideally, though, we wish for change, if change will make a huge difference in our lives.

We are who we are, each of us unique, and it is in our differences that we are common.

Strangers are often your greatest fans, because those close to you suffer from TMI syndrome. Ironically enough, a great deal of the "I" is assumptive, speculative, prejudicial and inaccurate. With less "I", strangers get a good opportunity to engage in flash judgments which has proven to be quite effective and accurate.

It's easier to assume something because we are lazy to do the 'homework'. We refuse to engage in meaningful fact-finding.

What you don't fix stay broken until you fix it.

Fight 'til the end if you must. Even if you do not win, your enemies will respect you for your valor and unrelentless resilience. In their quiet silence, they will bow to you because they know who the winner really is.

We tend to look for "big" successes, or success in big things, but little do we know we forego the simple important successes though they may appear small. To wake up strong and healthy and to get through the day safe and sound are successes in themselves.

When man says NO, God says YES! When all the doors seem close, it's because there is a certain door God wants you to walk through. Look for the beaming stream of light. It is the sign you've reached your opened door.

How could someone appreciate the value of something if it was given to them for free?

How could someone appreciate the value of what you gave them when you've given it to them for free?

The older we get, the better we see who our friends really are, and they are few, and we want to keep them close.

God answers our prayers based on, not yours but, His determination of when that request becomes a priority in your life. And God's timing is always perfect.

He who dances in the rain without fear of getting wet is one who knows the power of sunshine.

It I is a wicked irony that those who do not have diamonds are the ones who most appreciate their value.
Go ahead all you want and look at the glass as half-full. You still got to deal with the fixed fact that it is half-empty.

Perhaps the greatest flaw of a writer is his ability to contradict himself.

When critical decisions have to be made, the outcome depends heavily on whether logic or emotion is engaged in the process.

When someone gives you the best of what they have, take it. They give it because they're saying to you, "Hey, I believe you're worth the best." Don't minimize your worth by saying, "Hey, that's okay, I will take that (something less) instead. People will treat us based on how we project ourselves to them.

Everything in my life has blessed me in some way. The good, the bad, the ugly....

We pray asking God to send us that 'perfect' partner into our life. But when that 'perfect' partner does arrive, we do our best to find imperfections in that person. We are so insatiable.

We ought to be careful not to mistake the seasonal people who come into our lives for those who are to be there for a lifetime.

Being sexy is not just about dressing up in heels, wearing weaves or extensions, and being clad in short or tight clothes. Being sexy is about having an aura and a personality; being sexy is being a woman who is completely comfortable in her own skin; being sexy can't be turned on or off. You either have it or you don't.

You may be the most beautiful person with the greatest personality your mama, papa, and friends have ever seen, and yet still end up in a bad or failed relationship or marriage. It all boils down to compatibility and whether or not your partner appreciates the value of a gem.

As a child of God, when one door closes at least two others open. God never leaves us empty-handed. He gives us more than one pathways to choose from. Now that's divine favor!

Sometimes God allows us to be in control of situations; other times He paves our path for us, whether we like it or not. And there ain't nothing we could do but follow the path in blind faith or miss our blessings.

If in doubt, introspection may give you clarity; positivity may bring you assurance.

It is important that we teach our kids to be self-sufficient from as early an age as possible. Ten to one, they might not like it, and you may feel guilty for letting them do some things on their own. But believe you me, they will call you later in life and thank you for teaching them responsibility, accountability, and self-sufficiency.

Tucked away in every painful experience is a life changing lesson. Every disappointment comes with an opportunity to experience a miracle. (Zoe Mendez, Woman to Woman Blog Talk)
Keep an eye out for the party-poopers, the joy stealers, and the blessings blockers! If you know yourself well, you know no one can keep you down.

I stopped caring for things which add no cubit to my measure, and converted those same energies to things which do.

Human error is inevitable.

The first part of the letting go process is acknowledgement. Acknowledge that life and everything that is a part of life is a cycle. Acknowledge that maybe there was nothing you could have done that would have changed the out come of the situation. (Zoe Mendez, Woman to Woman Blog Talk).

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All quotes listed are the original thoughts and ideas of Woman to Woman Blog Talk. We do not mind if you quote us, please remember to give us credit. Thank you.