Saturday, July 16, 2011

She Abuses Me, She Hits Me: A Man's Domestic Violence Experience

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Hello All,

I am a man and love to look at these sites and see what people say. I am embarrassed to say I am a Police Officer who works hard not only at that job but another to provide for my family. I cook, clean, do wee hours of the night to help my wife out, as I feel I should.

After 11 years of marriage, giving her what ever it is she wants, as I would do anything for her, she decides to go around sneaking with another married man. She denied it at first, and I caught her in the guys house for 3 hours while she was and should have been at work. I always said I would never deal with it, but loving her as much as I did and do, I tried to make it work. We have great kids, and the thought of not being able to put them to bed kills me.

My whole point is, I did this to my self. I did and gave her everything. She has been emotionally abusing me, yelling at me all the time. If I answered back, she would come up and punch me in the head. I could never hit her back as that is not right nor my style. One day she hit me so hard in the head, I was dizzy, but told her if she ever did it again, I would punch back. She stopped doing that. I, along with many other men, am a victims, just like all the women who are victims. I am at a cross road now. I live in NY and have no where to turn. My nerves are becoming worn around her.

I love her, but feel she hates me because I broke up her thing with the other guy, who was just her friend. If it wasn't for the guy's wife calling me and telling me what they were doing, we would not be in this position. I was told a month ago, I am to much of a family man.

I do love my family and being around them. I don't see what's wrong with that. If someone can please help and give me advise, it would be most appreciated. Thanks for your time.

(Name Provided)

Domestic violence and abuse is wrong. It doesn't matter who is doing it to you. Email us your story. We care about victims and survivors of domestic abuse and violence.
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If you're a man or woman suffering domestic violence, note the following hotlines, websites and links for resources on keeping yourself safe and removing yourself from abuse. ACT NOW! National Domestic Violence Hotline , 1-800-799- SAFE, 1-800-799 7233, Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women, 1-888-7HELPLINE (1-888-743-5754), link to website, Jan Brown on Domestic Violence Against Men (Men’s Rights.Com)

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  1. I know a woman who use to physically and verbally abuse her husband! She is a friend of mine. I have known her since school days!

    A lot of time has passed so I am not sure if she is still married to him. She is taller and bigger and the boss of all things in that home! She is the kind of friend that would stand by your side when you are in need of a friend or in some kind of trouble, and trust me she would jump somebody too if they're looking for a fight with one of her friends. She has opened her home to homeless kids and spends her time helping others however she can. Because of her extremely short fuse, she is unable to hold a job though, she is always quick to fight.

    Men don't think that it is 'masculine' to report abusive mates. They think that if they do, then it is an admittance that they are the weaker of the two in the relationship.

    I do not subscribe or support abuse of any kind be it to human or animal.

  2. You need to get out the relationship? Does she abuse the children as well? If so you need to file for full custody. She does NOT love you. She is using you to pay the bills. You need to take legal action right away.
