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Advocating against domestic and intimate partner violence.

Here at Woman to Woman Blog Talk, we also examine, explore, discuss issues that relate to, impact on and affect women’s general and personal welfare, in all capacities of her life, be it as wife, mother, girlfriend, employee etc.

We believe in celebrating and empowering WOMEN, one woman at a time.

Some of our general topic categories include:

•Understanding the Inner You and Caring for Self

•Exploring and Understanding Women-Related Issues

•Exploring Relationships/Marriages

•Examining Parental Roles and Responsibilities

•Fashion and Beauty



You can Empower and Encourage Women. Click HERE to find out how.

If you have a story, feel free to share it in confidence. Inspire women or help them through experiences they may be going through. Write to

MEN: Where they fit into the equation

We did not forget that men do play very important roles in our lives and the lives of our children, whether or not we accept this fact. That is why we also publish posts/articles about men-related issues and how they too make incredible difference in our lives. In fact, they too suffer in situations like women do, they too have emotions, they do get hurt. We are not naive to this. So we do celebrate men too. A good example of society either turning a blind eye or burying its head in the sand is with regards to the very present issue of domestic violence/abuse of men by women they are in relationships with. Men too deserve to have a voice. They deserve to benefit equally from the law and justice when they are violated, just as women do.

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